The loss of sexual activity forces us to look for ways to eliminate the problem that prevents us from feeling like a man. You should choose a powerful remedy for potency, taking into account the causes of the disease, the characteristics of the body and other needs. Often, dietary supplements and folk recipes become the optimal solution to eliminate erectile dysfunction.
Potent food supplements
Dietary supplements are an effective alternative to chemically synthesized tablets. They are often preferred due to their greater availability, the ability to buy anonymously and all-natural composition.
Drops with ginkgo biloba
The dietary supplement contains only natural ingredients:
Peruvian maca. Known for a long time as an aphrodisiac. Improves strength, prevents the development of urological diseases; used to prevent the development of tumors;Greek fenugreek. Tones the body and increases stamina during intercourse. The effect is achieved due to a large amount of vegetable protein;Ginkgo biloba. Promotes the expansion of the arteries in the penis and pelvic organs, which stimulates blood circulation and makes the erection strong;Ginseng root. Stimulates the production of sex hormones necessary for sexual arousal.
Drops should be used for:
- Low amount of seminal fluid;
- "Dim" and weak orgasms;
- Erectile dysfunction.
The dietary supplement is also useful for the prevention of psychogenic potency disorders and sexual disorders due to high physical activity.
Preparation based on Peruvian maca
The plant's beneficial properties for men were discovered by Indian healers hundreds of years ago. This is the strongest natural stimulant that provides sexual desire and stable erection.
Powder based on Peruvian maca root is often characterized as the most powerful remedy for impotence. In addition to the main active ingredient, the drug contains:
- Fatty acid;
- Vitamin complexes;
- Amino acids;
- Mineral complexes.
Peruvian maca is recommended for use by men if:
- Decreased sexual desire;
- The sensations during intimacy do not bring the same pleasure;
- The erection has become sluggish, and the tension quickly passes;
- A gentle effect on inflammation is needed;
- There is a risk of developing malignant tumors.
Spray with L-arginine
The main advantage of the product is the ability to stimulate an erection directly by spraying the solution directly on the skin of the penis. The spray works very quickly and can be combined with alcohol. The manufacturer also claims that the drug has a positive effect on the male body as a whole.
The supplement contains natural substances:
Guarana extract – increases the emotional background, improves the functions of the vascular system. Used by South American Indians to increase sexual desire;L-arginine – affects blood vessels and expands their lumen. This ensures proper blood circulation in the genitals and pelvic organs and stimulates a strong erection;Magnesium – increases the production of seminal fluid and its quality. It also successfully copes with disorders of the nervous system and increases blood flow to the penis;Glycine – regulates the state of the nervous system, reduces the consequences of disorders that can lead to blockage of erectile function. The absence of anxiety and fear contributes to normal intercourse.
Experts recommend men a spray for:
- Maintaining a stable erection for the necessary time;
- Elimination of premature release of ejaculate;
- Improving the quality and quantity of sperm;
- Increased activity in the intimate sphere;
- Relief from the effects of fatigue and stressful situations.
Drops with ginseng root
A dietary supplement that stimulates strength and increases libido. The drops affect several factors, the elimination of which not only solves the problem of erectile dysfunction, but also rejuvenates and tones the male body.
The product formula includes:
Ginseng root. It was also used by Chinese healers to increase male fertility. With its help, the composition of sperm improves, the duration of sexual intercourse and the brightness of orgasm increase;L-Arginine. Provides saturation of the cavernous bodies with blood, which stimulates a strong and long-lasting erection;Eurycoma root. Part of a Malaysian plant used to treat the reproductive system, increase libido and increase attraction to the opposite sex;Glycine. An amino acid used to treat nervous disorders. Its content in drops relieves men from the fear of failure, which is often the cause of failure in bed.
The dietary supplement is effective in the following cases:
- Unable to experience orgasm;
- The genital organ is in an erect state for a very short time;
- Loss of sexual interest;
- Doubts arose about one's own male viability;
- There is soreness and a burning sensation in the groin area.
Preparation based on burning mucous membrane
The powder has a complex effect on the causes that lead to the loss of sexual viability. Due to this, the drug has a beneficial effect on the strength, strengthens and prolongs erection.
Components that make up the powder:
Extract from burning mucous membrane. Increases the production of male sex hormones, stimulates desire, has a calming effect;Yohimbe. An alkaloid that has a positive effect on libido. Normalizes the functions of the genitals, improves sperm synthesis;Damiana. Helps prolong the erect state of the penis by normalizing blood circulation. Reduces psychological stress, regulates emotional state;L-Arginine. A compound also necessary for complete saturation of the corpora cavernosa with blood. This trait allows you to effectively deal with sluggish strength.
The herbal remedy is prescribed for the correction of:
- Strength due to age-related characteristics, after illness, with overexertion and psychological problems;
- Erectile dysfunction;
- Ejaculation time;
- Sensations during orgasm.
Powerful folk remedies for potency
Traditional medicinal recipes are often also effective in treating impotence. Men who do not trust pharmaceutical drugs resort to them.
Herbal medicines and dishes based on vegetables, which are beneficial for strength in some cases, help to solve the problem of erectile dysfunction. However, it must be remembered that if the causes of the disorders are serious somatic diseases, stronger medication and medical intervention may be required.
Hornwort is one of the most famous plants for improving strength. It is used to treat prostate diseases, increase testosterone levels, clean blood vessels and prevent premature ejaculation.

Men speak very positively about ginger tea. Using the product for centuries allows you to forget about mistakes in the intimate sphere.
Recipe for a popular ginger remedy:
- Boil 2 liters of purified water in a saucepan;
- Take a fresh root, chop it and add it to the liquid;
- Cook for at least 15 minutes;
- Drink a glass after meals, you can sweeten it with honey or add a slice of lemon.
Ginseng root is often defined as a powerful folk remedy for impotence. With its help, you can increase the duration of intimacy and increase male stamina, which is necessary for success in the sexual sphere. The plant also improves blood circulation, which is necessary for normal erection.

Ginseng tincture is often used to treat impotence. To prepare it, you need:
- Grate 20 g of root;
- Mix with vodka or diluted alcohol - 200 g;
- Infuse for 7 days in darkness and coolness;
- Using a tablespoon, first dilute it with boiled or bottled water.
The healing properties of onions for men were known back in ancient Rome. It is successfully used to treat male diseases and improve the quality of sexual intercourse. The ability to dissolve cholesterol plaques helps to strengthen erections. Also, with the help of a vegetable, infertility is often treated.

The most common remedy for treating erectile dysfunction is a combination of onion and honey. To prepare:
- Grind the peeled onion in a blender;
- Combine with honey - 300 g;
- Stir thoroughly;
- Take 15 g of the mixture daily;
- Frequency - 3-4 times a day.
Swamp calamus
The most useful for men is the root of the plant. It improves blood circulation, increases body tone and improves sperm quality.

To prepare a remedy for strength at home based on raw materials from calamus, you need:
- Grind a tablespoon of dry root in a coffee grinder;
- Pour into a glass of boiling water;
- Leave for 15 minutes;
- Drink a glass before meals 3 times a day.
The root fruit regulates hormone levels and increases blood flow to the genitals. Useful in the prevention of diabetes and tumors that reduce sexual desire. Many men know about the healing properties of beets, and it is not in vain that they eat them all year round.

An effective right to potency:
- Cook turnips in 500 ml goat's or cow's milk;
- Grind and mix with the remaining liquid;
- Add a few spoons of honey;
- Eat 50 g four times a day.
Is it possible to combine?
Traditional medicine prescriptions, especially specialized diets, can be combined with drug treatment for impotence. The most important thing is to develop the right diet and not eat everything at the same time.
When it comes to herbal medicine, it is recommended to stick to an infusion or decoction so as not to provoke an excessive and painful erection. The same applies to food supplements – they can be combined with a special diet, but it is not recommended to take several food supplements at the same time. Such an experiment can lead to unwanted consequences that will take a long time to process. When choosing a remedy for potency, it is important to find the optimal one and stick to it.